Statutes of David

Statutes of David

Serving, supplying ,enabling others is purpose #1.

Elimination of fear is skill #1

Sun Tzu applies to people relationships too.

Elimination of non supportive Goal elements and entities is skill#2.

Value, Learn, improve, evolve – take good, leave bad.

Stay active, engaging; momentum matters.

Habits elevate and denegrate.

No memory is as long as a short pencil.

Smile, have manners, dress approptiately.

Know your value filters and every decision is expedient.

Navigating is harder than nurturing.

One person is a force. Force multipliers accelerate timelines.

Acceleration over power delivers impact.

Learn: When you’re through improving, you’re through.

Stress creates strength.

Always, just keep moving forward.

There is a way- is a solution, – grit reveals it

Create, Connect, Evolve.

Compel, Compare, Close

Care, Trust, Expertise

Signficance, Empowerment, Challenge

Manage energy, not time.

Focus works!

Develop communication skills that are clear and succinct.

Association brings forth Assimilation . -actively recruit, nurture supporters, advisors, friends, family.

Daily motivation bath, — more if workout.

Have fun, compete, test, laugh, experience.

Mental picture yields reality. Daydream, plan.

Positive matters, draws, expands- when all else erodes life /lives.
Be, learn to be, be around, chase – positive.

Recognize and have support in place, better you get. More you need it.

Choose to be how you want, where you are, who you’re with. Things happen that you allow or tolerate. Choose everything.

Play Chess.
Be deliberate and forward thinking.

Be grateful, value others and experience over stuff.

Deliberately be open to new and different but sift it through your value filter.

Learn from others vs. Personal experience of everything.

Memorize Desiderata.

Be the Social creature you were destined. BE YOU

Believe, recognize “Suddenly”- it is Awesome.

You gotta believe – but chart the course – hope is not good Strategy.

Be a Pirate– it’s a myth that if you work hard and do right, then good things will happen.

Selling steps- , Summarize, Ask, Explain, Reinforce, Close

Selling content – Connect, Convince, Collaborate, Close, Continue.

Stay your course


Refocusing incessantly


We Are our best we are in our best place when we

We Are our best we are in our best place when we are serving others and fulfilling our destiny.

What is it? It’s what you are good at. It’s what you enjoy. It’s what you envisioned as a child.

What’s in the way?
Distraction, rejection, intimidation, dejection.

How do I change?
Decide and redecide everyday.

Every religion, book, history tells this same story. Mind drives body, Spirit drives mind. Faith and belief is proven to take you further and keep you moving.

So make a plan, do all you can everyday to get there. Surround your self with supportive people and feed yourself positive thoughts. Develop acumen and apply it constantly.

Stay focused, don’t lose heart, believe – achieve.

Obstacle are given

Persons to Avoid




BI 2

BI 2
Who told you it couldn’t be done, and what great achievements has he performed that qualified him to set up limitations for you?

You will find as you go through life that those who give advice most freely are precisely the individuals who are least qualified to do so. Busy, successful people don’t have an interest in telling you how to live your life. They are busy living their own. Failures or mediocre people have all the time in the world. They also delight in seeing you fail, and are quick to say “I told you so” when you experience a temporary setback. If someone tells you that what you are attempting to achieve is impossible or not worth the effort, take a close look at them and what they have accomplished with their lives. The chances are good that you will find they haven’t done much. Successful people are optimistic people. They have the habit of success because they learned long ago to listen to themselves and not to those who would like to see them fail.

The individual with a negative mental attitude attracts troubles as a magnet attracts steel filings.

It is a curious fact of nature that somehow our minds find a way to transform into physical reality the things we think about most. If you expect to fail, you can be sure that you will, and if you find something negative in every opportunity, nothing will ever work out positively for you. Fortunately, the reverse is also true. If you are a happy, positive person, you will attract positive things. You can keep your mindset positive by eliminating negative thoughts the moment they begin to creep into your conscious mind. If you dwell on the negative aspects of every opportunity, you will never accomplish anything worthwhile. Be prudent about the risks you take, but don’t be paralyzed by fear of failure.

Boastfulness is generally an admission of an inferiority complex.

Really capable people don’t have to boast about their achievements; they let their actions speak for them. When you boast about your accomplishments, you are telling others that you are unsure of yourself and your value in the world. Baseball manager Tommy Lasorda once noted that there are those who watch things happen, those who wonder what happened, and those who make things happen. Strive to be one of those who make things happen. If you show others what you can do, they will respect you far more than if you had simply told them what you’d done. Anyone can quarrel with words, but actions speak for themselves.

  Many small businesses are looking at their

  Many small businesses are looking at their numbers and asking “can we get there from here?”  That depends, are you going to leave it to chance or are you going to aggressively manage it?
To aggressively managing it doesn’t mean just more sales!  It means making sure you’ve answered all the right questions to support more sales as well.
I often find that small business owners think that sales are the only thing that affects revenue.  Not the case! 
While sales is part of it.  If the other things are also addressed all the sales in the world won’t get you to the goal!  You need to make sure you have the answers to some key strategic questions.
Do You Know Which Revenue Predictive Metrics to Monitor?
This is the heart of Tuning Your Revenue Engine.  Monitoring those operational metrics that allow you to see what’s happening both across your business and in the market so you can do something about it. 
Do You Have Excess Capacity to Sell?
Selling more won’t help if you don’t have any more to sell!  Do you know the maximum capacity of your operation?  When do you hit it?  How much will it cost to add more?
Not knowing the answers to these questions can kill your business.  Not being able to deliver is a death sentence to a small business. 
Are Non-Sales Functions Affecting Revenue?
Capacity is one of those “non-sales” issues that can cause revenue problems.  Others include your price, your marketing, etc.  Not addressing the entire problem will not help you increase revenue either. 
Do You Have a Sales Plan?
A sales plan is a critical resource to hitting your revenue goal.  Without one your sales team is just other there doing whatever to hit their numbers.  While this may seem fine, it’s not scalable.  So it always is dependent on the team you have and doesn’t allow you to expand when necessary. 
Start With the Simple Stuff?
Many people avoid the sales plan because they think they need to be sophisticated with a sales plan.  It’s really just the opposite.  You want to start with the simple stuff.  But, if you don’t spell it out for the sales team they may make it more complicated than it needs to be.  Here are 4 Tactics to Jumpstart Your Sales that are simple and very easy to apply immediately.
Are You Investing Enough in Your Marketing?
At some point you’re going to need more leads than you already have in-house.  Marketing is what finds you more!  But, how many and how much do you need to market to generate enough

Biz Development and Salesforce dc


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