Monthly Archives: February 2015

We Are our best we are in our best place when we

We Are our best we are in our best place when we are serving others and fulfilling our destiny.

What is it? It’s what you are good at. It’s what you enjoy. It’s what you envisioned as a child.

What’s in the way?
Distraction, rejection, intimidation, dejection.

How do I change?
Decide and redecide everyday.

Every religion, book, history tells this same story. Mind drives body, Spirit drives mind. Faith and belief is proven to take you further and keep you moving.

So make a plan, do all you can everyday to get there. Surround your self with supportive people and feed yourself positive thoughts. Develop acumen and apply it constantly.

Stay focused, don’t lose heart, believe – achieve.

Obstacle are given

Persons to Avoid
