Monthly Archives: April 2011

Start your Self Branding with Doing things well

Washing a car or writing a note or cleaning the kitchen–do your best and do it right.

It is scary to see how many people just do the minimum, just get by.
My current campaign is aroundWOW-factor. Make a memory. Make a mark.

Those who do live more abundantly vs. those who “go through the motions” fade into obscurity. What a waste. Get back in the game America.

 Hit the trash can or go pick it up. Carry someone else’s plate too, or continue to contribute to Foreign nations owning our debt and us. Then when we fight back I guess you won’t be much help either. That’s when you are in the way and will add further burden when wounded.

Lee Iacocca said it “lead, follow, or get out of the way” . I add we should shoot those laggards even if wounded so the rest of us can move faster at developing prosperity for all.