Monthly Archives: October 2012

True Grit

True Grit Grit is my favorite trait.
It Conjures memory of crotchety Marshall Rooster Cogburn or the tenacious little girl from Darnelle County Arkansas. Grit is developed. Grit is a choice- – a repeated choice. Also, I remember that magazine/ newspaper route advertised in back of comic books with sea monkeys and Charles Atlas sand kicking ad. What about breakfast grits? ; Real ones with black specs.

Grit is the mix of passion, perseverance, and self- discipline that keeps us moving forward in spite of obstacles. Grit is not sparkly or flashy. Grit is the difference maker. Tip# 50 of Talent Book, Daniel Coyle.

Take the Grit Survey: .

Keep eyes on the prize. Faith sustain you. Clarity energize you. Grit cut you through the flack toward your vision of promised land.

Predictably Irrational

Predictably Irrational 1 Force a choice by offering 3. 2 of which are same but one slightly less valued. Captures need to compare and eliminates uncomparable choice 2. False rule of Supply and demand.. Setting a number just through suggestion establishes direction. Higher starting suggestions always leads to higher trending expectation. This is first firm of anchoring. Also we follow groups. Herding also is following our performed perceptions. This is creation if habit from previous positive experience ir avoidance if negative. Momentum is comfort if paying what you paid before and cements with each sucession. First decisions when followed in succession make first link critical to chain. FREE clouds judgement of vast value. Taps natural fear of loss. 3. Social vs. Market We don’t mind doing favors for someone or help others but the second a Market value is inserted ( fee or value of service) then inflation escalates. People would unload sofa from truck as favor or for$ 200 but not for$ 10.00 Market surfaced. Competition and self reliance. Requests yielded Cooperation and charity. David Reed 813 382 5682

Present everyone this way

Senior executives are one of the toughest crowds you’ll face as a presenter.
They’re incredibly impatient because their schedules are jam-packed — and they have to make lots of high-stakes decisions, often with little time to weigh options. So they won’t sit still for a long presentation with a big reveal at the end. They’ll just interrupt you before you finish your shtick. It can be frustrating. You probably have a lot to say to them, and this might be your only shot to say it. But if you want them to hear you at all, get to what they care about right away so they can make their decisions more efficiently.

Having presented to top executives in many fields — from jet engines to search engines — I’ve learned the hard way that if you ramble in front of them, you’ll get a look that says, “Are you kidding me? You really think I have the time to care about that?” So quickly and clearly present information that’s important to them, ask for questions, and then be done. If your spiel is short and insightful, you’ll get their ear again. Here’s how you can earn their attention and support: Summarize up front: Say you’re given 30 minutes to present. When creating your intro, pretend your whole slot got cut to 5 minutes. This will force you to lead with all the information your audience really cares about — high-level findings, conclusions, recommendations, a call to action. State those points clearly and succinctly right at the start, and then move on to supporting data, subtleties, and material that’s peripherally relevant.

Set expectations: Let the audience know you’ll spend the first few minutes presenting your summary and the rest of the time on discussion. Even the most impatient executives will be more likely to let you get through your main points uninterrupted if they know they’ll soon get to ask questions. Create summary slides: When making your slide deck, place a short overview of key points at the front; the rest of your slides should serve as an appendix. Follow the 10% rule: If your appendix is 50 slides, create 5 summary slides, and so on. After you present the summary, let the group drive the conversation, and refer to appendix slides as relevant questions and comments come up. Often, executives will want to go deeper into certain points that will aid in their decision making. If they do, quickly pull up the slides that speak to those points.

Give them what they asked for: If you were invited to give an update about the flooding of your company’s manufacturing plant in Indonesia, do so before covering anything else. This time-pressed group of senior managers invited you to speak because they felt you could supply a missing piece of information. So answer that specific request directly and quickly.

Rehearse: Before presenting, run your talk and your slides by a colleague who will serve as an honest coach. Try to find someone who’s had success getting ideas adopted at the executive level. Ask for pointed feedback: Is your message coming through clearly and quickly? Do your summary slides boil everything down into skimmable key insights? Are you missing anything your audience is likely to expect? Sounds like a lot of work? It is, but presenting to an executive team is a great honor and can open tremendous doors. If you nail this, people with a lot of influence will become strong advocates for your ideas.

Define “value” as:

Define “value” as: “The relative worth or desirability of a thing to the end user or beholder.” It’s also an important distinction from “price” which is simply a “set dollar amount.” People buy according to the value *they* perceive. What one person perceives as being of value (convenience, style, durability, etc.) is often different from what another perceives as being of value. There are many ways to provide value to others. The key to remember is that this value is not based on our perception but on their perception. And, that’s the perception that counts!

Predictably Irrational

Predictably Irrational 1 Force a choice by offering 3. 2 of which are same but one slightly less valued. Captures need to compare and eliminates uncomparable choice 2. False rule of Supply and demand.. Setting a number just through suggestion establishes direction. Higher starting suggestions always leads to higher trending expectation. This is first firm of anchoring. Also we follow groups. Herding also is following our performed perceptions. This is creation if habit from previous positive experience ir avoidance if negative. Momentum is comfort if paying what you paid before and cements with each sucession. First decisions when followed in succession make first link critical to chain. FREE clouds judgement of vast value. Taps natural fear of loss. 3. Social vs. Market We don’t mind doing favors for someone or help others but the second a Market value is inserted ( fee or value of service) then inflation escalates. People would unload sofa from truck as favor or for$ 200 but not for$ 10.00 Market surfaced. Competition and self reliance. Requests yielded Cooperation and charity. David Reed 813 382 5682