Monthly Archives: February 2011

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Press-On rather than slide, Contribute rather than ride

Through my work with different companies many Natural Affinities reveal themselves.

In my 3 rule Tradition, they are grouped

1. Success Traits / practices proven to work

2. Human Factors in common but uncommonly addressed

3. Dangers to “watch out” for

Which is the one I address now:

Whenever there is a job that manages a process you are in trouble

Every job must have a deliverable needed by many

Although this may require a process…get this….its not about process, it’s about the delivered result.

The reason for a process is
To make clear to all how to get result done So fewer resources are Used in getting to result (handle more with less by process)

The saying applies to anyone who manages a process but is not accountable for the deliverable “if you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem”

Take Leadership
Take Responsibility
Take on the challenge

Contribute rather than ride
Press-on rather than slide

More on/ from David Reed Zebra3 Investments can be gleaned@: