Monthly Archives: March 2015

Scary is just Adventure


Statutes of David

Statutes of David

Serving, supplying ,enabling others is purpose #1.

Elimination of fear is skill #1

Sun Tzu applies to people relationships too.

Elimination of non supportive Goal elements and entities is skill#2.

Value, Learn, improve, evolve – take good, leave bad.

Stay active, engaging; momentum matters.

Habits elevate and denegrate.

No memory is as long as a short pencil.

Smile, have manners, dress approptiately.

Know your value filters and every decision is expedient.

Navigating is harder than nurturing.

One person is a force. Force multipliers accelerate timelines.

Acceleration over power delivers impact.

Learn: When you’re through improving, you’re through.

Stress creates strength.

Always, just keep moving forward.

There is a way- is a solution, – grit reveals it

Create, Connect, Evolve.

Compel, Compare, Close

Care, Trust, Expertise

Signficance, Empowerment, Challenge

Manage energy, not time.

Focus works!

Develop communication skills that are clear and succinct.

Association brings forth Assimilation . -actively recruit, nurture supporters, advisors, friends, family.

Daily motivation bath, — more if workout.

Have fun, compete, test, laugh, experience.

Mental picture yields reality. Daydream, plan.

Positive matters, draws, expands- when all else erodes life /lives.
Be, learn to be, be around, chase – positive.

Recognize and have support in place, better you get. More you need it.

Choose to be how you want, where you are, who you’re with. Things happen that you allow or tolerate. Choose everything.

Play Chess.
Be deliberate and forward thinking.

Be grateful, value others and experience over stuff.

Deliberately be open to new and different but sift it through your value filter.

Learn from others vs. Personal experience of everything.

Memorize Desiderata.

Be the Social creature you were destined. BE YOU

Believe, recognize “Suddenly”- it is Awesome.

You gotta believe – but chart the course – hope is not good Strategy.

Be a Pirate– it’s a myth that if you work hard and do right, then good things will happen.

Selling steps- , Summarize, Ask, Explain, Reinforce, Close

Selling content – Connect, Convince, Collaborate, Close, Continue.

Stay your course


Refocusing incessantly
